Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

the feeling

Sometimes you're sweeter than a pie made of lemon
But sometimes full of secrets like Clark Kent

I've always dreamed of being couple like Daisy and the famous Donald Duck
Harry and Sally or Bonnie and Clyde all you have to do is knock

Selasa, 28 Juni 2011

the inspiration

Mocca - Twist Me Around

Strolling along down the road in the evening with the moon and the sky
Hey diddle-diddle the cat in the fiddle my heart jumps over the moon

My hands are held while we're crossing the street
It's all I could hope for
Seeing your smile when I tickle your tummy is all I ever wish for

Sometimes you're sweeter than a pie made of lemon
But sometimes full of secrets like Clark Kent

Twist me around
All I need is someone who's willing to stroke my hair
Like a soft blowing breeze..
My poor sentimental side
Twist me around

I've always dreamed of being couple like Daisy and the famous Donald Duck
Harry and Sally or Bonnie and Clyde all you have to do is knock

Sometimes you're sweeter than a pie made of lemon
But sometimes full of secrets like Clark Kent

Twist me around
All I need is someone who's willing to stroke my hair
Like a soft blowing breeze..
My poor sentimental side

Twist me around
All I need is someone who's willing to stroke my hair
Like a soft blowing breeze..
My poor sentimental s
Twist me around

Aku dan Aku

There's always ME in me

kalian bingung sama judulnya? jangankan kalian, aku aja bingung! oke jadi gini, belakangan ini aku lagi sering galau. kenapa? karena aku ngerasa belum nemuin 'diri aku'. menurut aku di setiap orang itu pasti punya sisi tersembunyi yang orang lain --atau bahkan diri kita sendiri-- ga tau. tapi seiring berjalannya waktu setiap orang pasti akan menemukan 'dirinya yang lain' itu dong, setelah itu mereka bisa nentuin pilihan dalam hidup mereka. nah aku udah 16 tahun hidup di dunia tapi belum pernah sekalipun 'nengok ke dalam' buat nyai 'aku' yang lain. that's why aku galau banget. aku ngerasa gagal, masa aku ga ngerti diri aku sendiri? ga ngerti hati aku? gimana mau ngertiin yang lain?

oh iya ada lagi yang parahnya mood aku jadi gampang berubah. ga ngerti pengaruh dari yang aku bilang di atas tadi atau lagi PMS. temen aku sih bilangnya aku 'miskin cinta' sial banget ya berasa aku ga pernah dapet cinta dan kasih sayang gitu, padahal aku kan ga se-desperate itu -_-

eh tadi tuh mama aku nelfon, terus aku marah-marah. abis nutup telfon perasaan aku langsung makin ga enak akhirnya aku beraniin sms mama : "mama, maaf ya tadi teteh bentak-bentak :(",terus mama bales: "iya, jangan diulang ya dear. I love you", aku langsung nangis disms kaya gitu. I love you so much mom, you're the best :)